Health and Wellness

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With a background as a Nurse Practitioner, Karen has utilized her knowledge to educate individuals, corporations and the public on health and wellness and personal/professional success strategies. With a proven track record of success, she is skilled and trained in decreasing symptoms, achieve a healthy state, support healthy weight and provide emotional stability while on the job or at home to deliver a peak performance.

Side Effects of Poor Health and Nutrition 

Reduced productivity

Safety Issues


Poor morale



Loss of wages for employer

Benefits of Delivering the Science of Nutrition

High Productivity Levels

Workplace Engagement

Proper Health & Nutrition

Learn how and what to eat on the job or during any situation

Reduce absenteeism at work

Available resources:

Educational Classes

Online Webinars

Follow Ups

Success Tools


Nutrition Class – March 24, 2018 , 9am- 4pm

With special guest, Sue Pellerin

Please contact us to register today!